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20240908 – September 08, 2024 – Feel Good, Do Good… BE Good!


What is it to love God and be loved by God? Do we look good, do we feel good? Yes, we should do good! But first, we should just BE good! We can do all kinds of different things for God, but what is the most important?
Love God above all others with all your thought, with all your soul, with all your mind. Then love your neighbor as yourself.
And before you go into the world to do good, the first thing is to WORSHIP Him!…

Open post

20240816P – August 16, 2024 – “The Queen of the Universe”


She has gone by many names; Queen of the Universe, Diana, Aphrodite, Isis, Astarte, Artemis, Venus, Ishtar, Ēoestre, The goddess of sexuality, enchantment AND of war and destruction!

Who is she really?

Part 2 of the study focuses on the female focus of worship that has led every major culture in history into slavery and bondage, convincing the masses to allow the beliefs of no truths, and that you could do anything you want, which is all a lie, leaving only the evil ones with the power. She tempts entire cultures to look away from God, and captivates them into losing their conscience.

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